It's time for people to only understand the ancient secret known by rich business owners and successful people that it is their intention that manifests their potential desire to create wealth for their faimly based on God given laws of nature that whoever shall be in desire of their intentions to be focused on what they believe is the abundance that can manifest for their finances to pay bills and to buy their dreams homes so they can go on tropical vacations that can manage the way real independent sucessful business people do that it's that success which God knows he can give us if our intention is not distracted by negative attitudes from our neighbors who want us to not have our riches of abundance that God has promised us and is what this nation is founded on!!!!!
Tell the government NO!!! TAXESS!!! Hands off my abundance!!! You cannot go against The Will Of Our Lord Creator Even For One Second!!! IT is blasphemy!!!!
It's some simple an idiot could figure it out.
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